Our Work
How do we make our world a better place?
How to contribute to human progress and make societies more peaceful and prosperous?
What do we do to achieve this?
Public Policy Research
In simple words, Public Policy is what our governments choose to do (or) not. All governments try to do something good in the interest of society based on a certain conviction. We contribute to this process through research of new and existing policies.
Citizen Advocacy
Knowledge and information are useful only when they are shared. In the current digital age, we are going through a phenomenon known as 'content bombardment' sometimes leading to misinformation. It is important that citizens possess the right knowledge to combat ignorance and misinformation.
Media Studies
Media, whether print/electronic/digital plays a phenomenal role in setting-up and shaping social and societal discourses. Understanding and incorporating media perspectives into change and impact management is key to holistic well-being.
Governance Advisory
Contribute to the simplification of myriad aspects of governance in order to achieve intended impact by involving all the stakeholders.
Capacity Building
Capacity building is necessary to achieve intended results. Imparting knowledge through trainings, building better instincts, value systems and creating a sustainable environment for the effective individual functioning shall be undertaken.
Grassroots Perception Studies
Understanding ground realities is the most essential requirement in the area of social sciences research. We gather valuable data from our field visits, surveys and ethnographic studies and develop insights into the needs, aspirations and the perception of our individuals and communities.
Campaign Innovation
Innovation is everywhere! Anything (or) aspect of our life and society can be hugely impacted through innovation that inspires human action. Innovative campaigns act as force multipliers in social reform process.
Stakeholder Engagement
No reform or impact can be made possible without understanding the thoughts, concerns and opinions of the stakeholders associated with that reform decision. By engaging all necessary stakeholders, we strive to develop deeper insights and crafting solutions.
Exploring and adopting new methods of technology into policymaking, politics and governance paving way for responsible digital societies.
CSR Advisory
The core human needs are changing, so are the challenges associated with fulfilling these needs. Bearing in mind the evolving nature and scope of core needs, we help corporates and other business partners to effectively and efficiently plan and execute their CSR activities driving social impact.
Behavioural Analysis
Human behaviour is complex. Yet, sometimes, behaviour of humans in groups could be less complex. How complex is it? Why is it so? How to understand it and use it to our needs is a huge branch of study.
Content Development
Who does not love engaging content? The key characteristic of a great content is driving enthusiasm among the audience. The key characteristic of impactful content is to translate enthusiasm into action. We strive for the creation of impactful content.
Peace and Conflict Studies
Peace cannot be achieved until conflict is understood and conflict cannot be understood until the root of all human insecurities are understood and addressed appropriately. We strive to understanding insecurities.
Social Impact Assessment
Observation, measurement and analysis of policy decisions to formulate consequent action.
ESG Advisory
Today individuals, communities and organizations are witnessing the perils of climate change. We work with them to build sustainable business systems and models that mitigate the climate risk while maintaining the quality of product or service.
Focus Areas
Digital Governance
Public Health

Democratic Reforms
Global Governance