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Refund Policy

Chirravuri Research Foundation for Human and Global Reforms, hereinafter referred to as "CRFHGR", is instituting a donation refund policy to ensure fair and transparent processing of requests for refund of donations as digital payments are becoming more frequent. CRFHGR expects that all donors will exercise due care and diligence while making donations. CRFHGR also recognizes that a donation may be made erroneously, or, that donors may change their mind regarding their donation. 

CRFHGR will examine each request for refund of donation and shall endeavour to make the refund. CRFHGR may also seek further information / documents and donor must co-operate in this regard. We take finances and financial matters seriously, and, as such, we respect financial decisions of donors and the need to honour their refund requests as expeditiously as possible. Therefore, for the purpose of refund policy, we will be available and active in terms of responsiveness and commitment on all the 7 days of a week regardless of public, national or other holidays. Donors should note that all the communication shall have to happen, and, shall be happening via E-mail only. 

If you would like your donation to CRFHGR to be refunded, then,

  • You must request CRFHGR by sending an email to for a refund with Subject Line: "[Urgent] Request Donation Refund | <Acknowledgement/Transaction/Cheque/DD No.>"

  • Your Refund Request Email must reach CRFHGR within 7 (Seven) days from the Date of Donation (includes both weekdays and weekends) i.e., the date on which you:

    • Made the donation online, electronically or through other means, OR

    • Handed over the cheque / demand draft to CRFHGR or someone authorised by CRFHGR for this purpose, OR

    • Dispatched the cheque / demand draft to CRFHGR by other means.

  • Your Refund Request Email must contain all the following details pertaining to the donation.

    • Date of Donation

    • Donation amount

    • Mode of Payment: Online/Cheque/DD, please provide Cheque/Draft no.

    • If donation was made through credit card, please provide Credit Card no. (last 4 digits only).

    • If donation was made online, please provide Donation-ID.

  • Once the Refund Request Email is received, our finance team shall identify and process the refund promptly as applicable.

    • However, our finance team may reach out to the individuals via email and/or contact no. (provided during donation)​, in case of requiring additional details for the purpose of processing the refund. In such a scenario, we request the donors to respond (via email ONLY) and share the information sought by our finance team as quickly as possible in about 2-3 days (includes both weekdays and weekends).

    • If no response is received from the donor with-in 2-3 days (includes both weekdays and weekends), and, if the 7 (Seven) days refund window period is exceeded, then, the refund request raised by the donor lapses and the donation would not be refunded under any circumstances.

However, CRFHGR is not obliged to make refunds and may, in its discretion, decline any requests for refund of donations, particularly if a tax exemption certificate has been issued.

CRFHGR is authorized to make any changes to its refund policy from time-to-time as deemed fit in the interests of the pursuance of its organizational objectives.

(All decisions of CRFHGR in this regard will be final and binding on the donor)

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