Our Legislative Agenda
The objective of this draft legislation is to regulate myriad aspects of election manifestos.
Circular Economy (Promotion) Bill
In progress (60%)
The bill aims to usher in the circular economy with dedicated ecosystem for re-cycle & re-use of material resources

Rights of Pre-trial & Under-trial Detainees Bill
In progress (10%)
The bill seeks to set-up clear, fair and transparent conditions for trial and bail of the accused people during pre-trial & trial process

National Fiscal
Council Bill
In progress (60%)
The bill provides for setting-up a new constitutional office for the purpose of guiding national and state governments on fiscal management.

Nuptial Agreements (Recognition) Bill
In progress (50%)
The bill seeks to ensure speedy delivery, of justice and promote transparency in judicial appointments across the country

Political Campaign Finances (Regulation) Bill
In progress (13%)
The bill overhauls all the existing political and election financing laws to promote transparency, fairness and accountability on funding and expenditure by political parties & candidates across the country

Mandatory Student Career Counselling Bill
In progress (4%)
The bill seeks to establish National Career Counselling and Student Guidance Council for conducting & imparting career guidance programmes among secondary school students and families to enable them to make informed career decisions

Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Bill
In progress (8%)
The bill seeks to create skilling programmes specially for youth, middle-aged and women who are unemployed and also build a degree of protection against job loss during global economic turmoils

National Service
Scheme Bill
In progress (13%)
The bill seeks to usher in mandatory Jury Service among all adult citizens of India for petty offences to achieve greater civic participation in social betterment

Public Hate Speeches (Prohibition) Bill
In progress (1%)
The bill criminalizes Hate Speech in public sphere with stringent, time-bound action against politicians, elected officials, organizations, religious bodies and media

Urban Livability & Sustainability Bill
In progress (1%)
The bill seeks to mandate urban/vertical forestation and rainwater harvesting among others and provides for a greater degree of financial & institutional support to municipalities to build resilient urban systems

Representation of People (Amendment) Bill
In progress (1%)
The bill seeks to build legal mechanisms for voter portability, expanding postal ballot beneficiaries, internet voting, ban on individuals accused of criminal cases from contesting elections to public offices among others.

Public Service Delivery & Citizen's Charter Bill
In progress (1%)
The bill mandates a Citizen Charter to be displayed at all public offices and public service delivery centres for public awareness and usher in rapid movement of applications with time-bound decision and grievance resolution mechanism along-with penal action against apathy and corruption